Tag Archives: Gary Frost

Minnesota Center for Book Arts Welcomes Artists to the Book Art Biennial, July 30-31

For book artists everywhere the Book Art Biennial at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts brings joy unfettered – immersion in the time-honored art form, time with colleagues who share the passion for the art, and a chance to revel in the beauty of the Minnesota Center for Book Arts and the Open Book. And so they will gather in Minneapolis for “Pacing the Page”, the Book Art Biennial, on July 30 and 31.

Planners of the conference write about their art in compelling terms:

The strength of a sequential narrative cannot be denied.  Artists’ books, like no other art form, have the ability to cultivate meaningful and intimate relationships with viewers and readers through the development, refinement and advancement of content over time.

A lovely description of a unique art form kept alive and shared at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts.

The conference includes workshops, lecturers, conversations and exhibitions, all of which will explore the power of “pacing which the planners define as the “structuring of sequence, the manipulation of rhythm and the significance of physical engagement in contemporary artists’ books.

Keynote speaker, Gary Frost, brings decades of experience in a changing profession.  One example of his many accomplishments is his authorship of Future of the Book, a blog that shares the latest thinking on reading behavior, traditional book use in the context of digital delivery systems, library preservation and book art.

The conference includes a potpourri of intriguing activities.  Leaders in the profession will present numerous workshops.  And there is time for fun, especially the MCBA prize gala, a high point of the gathering.

The MCBA is located in the Open Book Building near downtown Minneapolis at 1011 Washington Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55415. .  For more information re. the schedule,  roster and bios of speakers, registration and more,  check the MCBA website.  Email mcba@mnbooks.org or phone 612 215 2520.

It is an honor for local artists and book lovers to join MCBA in welcoming participants in this extraordinary gathering.  We  thank visiting book artists and hope you enjoy your stay as we enjoy your art.